Friday, December 3, 2010

Lifelong Learning

Today I learnt:

- that a 2-year old thinks that opening advent calendars is terrific fun and that four calendars is not too many at all
- that you shouldn't freeze a cooked turkey since it's going to taste bad after defreezing
- that you shouldn't stare a cobra in the eyes
- that frozen passion fruit tastes delicious on Scandinavian-style Christmas spice cake
- that a few years back a foreigner caught the plague in Ratanakiri, another province where our NGO FELM works
- that dengue fever is rarely deadly but it sure makes you feel like crawling up and dying
- that Asia's wonder drug Tiger Balm contains aspirin and therefore should not be used in malaria and dengue endemic regions due to risk of hemorrhaging
- that little black spiders can cause football-sized abscesses
- that you are not allowed to kill crocodiles in Australia
- that it's not easy to photograph tree-jumping snakes in the Angkor Wat temple ruins
- that the easiest way to kill a snake is to whack it with a metal cord
- that the best way to treat a scorpion bite is to keep an ice pack on the wound for more than four hours
- that you can catch typhoid even if you've been vaccinated for it, and this can happen with other vaccinations too...
- that the most effective mosquito killer is called a Cyclone

All the things you learn in life!!

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